Our Focus
The Asphalt Pavement Association of Indiana (APAI) is dedicated to providing its members with technical training and marketing support for the production and construction of quality asphalt pavements throughout the state. APAI's membership includes Indiana's leading asphalt producer contractors, laydown contractors, liquid asphalt binder suppliers, engineering consultants, and other suppliers and service providers. Since 1959, the association has provided quality services to industry members and has been a credible source of technical information regarding smooth, quiet, cost-efficient and sustainable asphalt pavements.
Through its committees and staff, the association works in close partnership with the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) and with many of Indiana's cities, towns, and counties. APAI represents the asphalt pavement industry with outreach to organizations such as the Indiana Association of Cities and Towns (AIM), the Indiana Association of County Commissioners (IACC), and the Indiana Section of the American Public Works Association (APWA). Additionally, APAI represents the industry through working partnerships with the Joint Transportation Research Program at Purdue University and the Build Indiana Council (BIC).
Through its active member involvement and extensive committee structure, APAI believes in sharing solutions to common problems, benchmarking best practices, and continuous product improvement. These efforts result in longer lasting and better value pavements for our customers.